Funday – Sunday 11th September

Just a reminder that the start of season Funday is coming up next weekend on Sunday 11th September- see below for the events planned and further details!

The day will begin with a Junior coaching session and games, from 10am-12:30 (£2 entry), and be followed by an Old and Bold tournament for over 14’s (£5 entry) between 12-4pm.

You are welcome to attend both sessions, and we are accepting both team and individual entries for the Old and Bold tournament. Please complete the attached Team Sheet if you would like to enter a team or register your interest in attending individually by emailing and we will allocate you a team. Teams will be mixed 7-a-side, with at least 3 members who are women or under 18’s on pitch.

In addition to the coaching and tournament, throughout the day there will be a variety of competitions, raffles, tombolas and hockey merchandise:


  • – OPRO dental professionals will be visiting between 11am-1pm for you to order a custom fit mouthguard for the upcoming season. Please visit their website to place your order and they will custom fit you on the day!
  • – Raffle tickets will be on sale, so make sure you buy some to be in with a chance of winning some amazing prizes, including Skin to Love voucher, Chilli Pilates pass, Luton Hoo Golf voucher, Hockey sticks, Everyone Active passes, Lush cosmetics, and many more!

Hockey Merchandise:


  • – Are you a fan of the Bake Off? Bring along a home-baked showstopper of your choosing to be taste tested! The winner will receive a mystery prize and all cakes entered will be on sale after the judging too 🙂
  • – Do you think you have the skills to beat the goalie on shuffles? Or win the crossbar challenge? For 50p entry, between 12-12:30pm, you can participate in a variety of hockey competitions!

We would love for you to attend the day and encourage family, friends and colleagues too- attached is a poster you can use to advertise for us! Any raffle or tombola prizes (small or large!) would also be much appreciated- please bring along to training, fitness or games, or get in contact with the Funday team 🙂


Charlie, Kim, Nat, Jo and Karen
Funday Team-

fun day poster 2016

WGCHC Funday Team Sheet

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